5 Foods that need to be consumed when the diet is cold

The Weather during winter slowly affects changes in temperature and condition of the human body, so it requires nutritional intake that is rich in vitamins and energy. What's more for people who are doing daily diet programs.

When dieting, the body needs energy that remains stable. Here are some foods needed to be consumed during cold weather, quoted from the pages of the Times of India , Tuesday (01/12/2016).

  1. Honey. During the winter the content of honey is needed to keep the body warm, and also helps the body fight infections and viruses that can cause coughs and flu. Eat honey as much as one tablespoon daily, or by mixing it in a glass of warm water or milk.
  2. Green vegetable. The content of green vegetables such as spinach ideally helps a person's diet during cold weather. Spinach is a vegetable anti-oxidant and high in vitamins A and C, both for hair and skin. Iron, protein and minerals in spinach can also prevent asthma in the body.
  3. Tubers. Carrots, beets, turnips and potatoes not only have good nutrition. Vegetables such as carrots can help the body fight colds or other infections.
  4. Orange. Vitamin C contained in oranges helps the body fight the flu so it can regulate the body in controlling viruses that spread to the body. The benefits of fiber in oranges can also help the body control cholesterol.
  5. Garlic. This food flavoring has many benefits, one of which can keep the body warm. In addition anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties in garlic help the body not susceptible to a variety of diseases that are likely to attack when the weather is cold.


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