10 Healthy and Nutritious Foods That Are Around Us

Healthy food menu - Nutritious food
Deciding to start a healthy lifestyle by choosing a healthy and nutritious diet should be prioritized. Choose healthy recipes and keep food nutrition.
Healthy and nutritious food is needed for the human body, both toddlers and adults. A lot of nutritious intake is easy to find around us. Even at affordable prices, we can get it.
We have a lot of fast food now that we get easily and practically. However, the way to cook food tends to be instant and does not pay attention to the health aspects that the body needs.
Unfortunately too, fast food is not accompanied by adequate nutrition. Even tends to use a lot of ingredients that are not needed until harmful to the body.

List of Healthy and Nutritious Foods that Are Around Us

Consuming healthy intake does not need to look for the hard and expensive. We can use and process materials that can be found around.
If you consume it appropriately and apply it in everyday life, then the disease will be reluctant to approach you. You can live healthy without worrying about illness.
Here is a list of healthy and nutritious daily food menus as well as healthy foods for the heart and a diet that is easy to get.

1. Milk

Healthy and nutritious food - Milk
Who is not familiar with completing these four perfect five healthy? From childhood, we have been taught that milk is one of the healthiest drinks besides water. Milk is identical to the yield of milk from cows.
Some dairy products contain enough calcium and protein. For productive age, milk supports the growth process. Meanwhile, for the elderly, milk helps prevent bone loss.
In addition, milk also contains several important nutrients, many ingredients such as magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Therefore, drinking milk every day is highly recommended.
Some milk that is processed into other types of food or drinks such as ice cream, butter, cheese, or yogurt is usually rich in fat and sugar. Excessive consumption of these preparations is not good for the body.
However, currently there are some processed food products in the form of low-fat milk. Suitable for those of you who need healthy food for a diet.
Milk is a source of animal protein which is very easy to get. However, if you have allergies or don't like cow's milk. There are other dairy products derived from soybeans.
Milk also has benefits for beauty. Milk contains lactic acid which can help remove dead skin cells and help renew cells, so the skin becomes bright and healthy.
If you want to reduce the risk of heart disease, you can diligently consume organic cow's milk. Organic cow's milk has fewer calories and the amount of cholesterol is safe. Suitable for healthy food for the heart.

2. Honey

Healthy food - Honey
Honey, we know it has many health benefits. Honey can be used as a healthy food for the diet as an alternative to sugar to minimize side effects.
Because of its higher fructuation, honey is far better consumed than sugar. Honey contains vitamin B6, Thiamin, Niacin, and amino acids.
Honey plays an important role in preventing obesity. Honey helps speed up the metabolic process which then burns fat in the body.
Make honey a healthy diet for the diet so that your weight can be regulated properly. Of course you do not want to suffer from obesity which then becomes a source of various diseases.
Honey can maintain healthy skin, for example for  blackened lips . Honey is rich in humectant compounds that can help maintain water levels in the skin and maintain skin elasticity.
In addition, honey can also help remove dead skin cells. The content in honey can also work as a delay in premature aging by preventing the appearance of wrinkles on the facial skin.
Honey is full of natural antioxidants, which help protect the skin from ultraviolet light. Honey can be used as a sunscreen to protect the skin from sun exposure.

3. Eggs

Healthy food menu - Eggs
In terms of nutrition, eggs can no longer be matched again. Eggs are widely used as healthy foods for diets which are a source of protein that has great benefits for body health.
According to a study explained that eating healthy and nutritious food in the form of one egg per day can reduce the risk of stroke by 12%. Also, adding eggs in a salad can increase absorption of vitamin E.
Suitable eggs are consumed for those of you who are on a diet program. Because protein is a better source of calories than carbohydrates such as rice or sugar.
Taking it can make you feel full longer. Of course with fewer calories. Suitable for consumption at breakfast, so that you are more energized and reduce a lot of food during the day.
So, you do not need to remove eggs from the list of healthy food menus for the diet that you are running. Eating eggs is suitable for supporting a healthy diet.
The protein content also plays an important role in building and maintaining muscle mass. The part of the egg that contains the most protein is the white part, because it is low in fat and cholesterol.
Important nutrients contained in healthy and nutritious foods in the form of eggs can support a healthy pregnancy . One of the benefits of eggs for pregnancy is the protein, which is good at building the placenta.
The protein is also needed to support growth and health of the fetus. Because every cell of the baby's body that is being conceived is composed of the presence of protein.
Eggs contain choline, which is a substance that supports growth and development of the baby's brain function. Choline is useful in preventing fetal neural tube defects in the stomach.

4. Soybeans

Healthy food for the diet - Soybeans
The next list of healthy and nutritious foods is soybeans. Soybeans are one of the legumes that are the main source of vegetable protein.
Soybeans have many benefits for the health of the body and can be used as a healthy diet for your diet in your healthy lifestyle. Here are the benefits of soy for health.

Reducing the risk of heart disease

Oil derived from soybeans contains zero cholesterol which is good for heart health. This will help regulate blood pressure and muscle contraction, where the heart is an important muscle in the body.
Soybeans also have soluble fiber which can help reduce cholesterol levels and reduce the chance of blood clots. It is also useful to reduce the risk of stroke.
Research shows that consuming milk containing 25 grams of soy protein for nine weeks can reduce 5% cholesterol in the body. Soy is one of the healthiest foods for the heart.


One type of healthy and nutritious meal contains compounds called isoflavones. These compounds are useful for maintaining a healthy body.
This compound works to repair cells and prevent cell damage caused by pollution, sunlight, and normal body processes. This is what makes soy a good antioxidant.

Maintain weight

Because it contains high fiber, soy is a food that is useful for regulating body weight. Soy can help to control hunger.
Add soybeans to the list of healthy diet food menus to lose your weight. This really helps you in the process of reducing or controlling weight.

Prevent cancer

Because it functions as a good antioxidant for the body, soy can reduce the risk of various types of cancer . The antioxidants contained can prevent free radical attacks.
This free radical is capable of causing healthy cells to mutate into cancer cells. Eat soy regularly to maintain your health.


The fiber content in soybeans and other processed products can help reduce constipation. Anti-bacterial content can also prevent diarrhea.

Prevent premature aging

Its antioxidant content can prevent premature aging. Take these healthy skin foods regularly to get a bright face and slow wrinkles.

5. Wheat

Healthy food menu - Wheat
Wheat is one type of staple food that contains carbohydrates that are useful for the body. However, as Indonesians, making rice as a staple food is so ingrained.
Actually, consuming healthy and nutritious food in the form of wheat can also be an alternative substitute for good rice. Wheat can be consumed if it has been processed into wheat bread for example.
Wheat contains carbohydrates. However, besides that, wheat also has protein and fiber which is useful for the body.
Fiber in wheat can help reduce cholesterol levels. Wheat can be an alternative to be used as a healthy food menu for the heart.
A study explains that eating high fiber foods like wheat can prevent heart disease. Consuming fibrous foods like wheat can reduce 15% of the risk of heart disease.
You can use wheat processed products such as oatmeal as a healthy food menu for the heart. Currently oatmeal is easily found on the market.
Consuming wheat regularly can control blood sugar to stay safe and healthy. Making wheat as a healthy and nutritious food menu suitable for people who suffer from diabetes.
Grains such as wheat are effective for dealing with metabolic disorders. You can use wheat as a healthy food menu for diet. This method is an effective and unobtrusive way.
Eating wheat for a diet can help reduce the body's metabolic syndrome. Types of metabolic syndrome such as visceral obesity, high triglycerides, low levels of HDL cholesterol, and high blood pressure can be protected with wheat.
Wheat also has the ability to control weight. But, this is more prominent for women. Wheat is the best choice for obese people.
Eating a healthy diet for diet with wheat is a powerful way to maintain nutritional supply in the body. Of course without worrying about the weight will increase significantly.

6. Spinach

Healthy food menu - Spinach
Spinach is one type of plant that can be useful for consumption as a vegetable. This plant comes from America, but now its existence is not difficult to find. There are many around us too.
This plant is known as a vegetable that has an important source of iron for the body. Spinach has many important nutrients. It is a source of vitamins A and K, magnesium, fiber, folate, protein, calcium, and several others.
In addition, this healthy and nutritious food is also low in calories. Suitable for a healthy food menu for diet. Here are the benefits of spinach for body health:

Fight cancer cells

Vitamins A and C, fiber, folic acid, and 13 flavonoids contained in them are useful for fighting cancer cells. A study explains that the content of spinach can reduce the risk of cancer by 34%.

Anti inflammation

Spinach is a vegetable consumed for good anti-inflammatory. It contains lutein, which is associated with vitamin A and beta carotene.
Content such as neoxanthin and violaxanthin which are two anti-inflammatory epoxyxanthophylls can play a role in inflammation regulation. Spinach contains high alkalinity properties so it can be a perfect anti-inflammatory.
Spinach can be used for facial skin health, especially in dealing with acne problems . Its anti-inflammatory benefits are also able to overcome inflammation due to acne.

Maintain heart health

A study states that spinach can protect heart health. Spinach plays a role to improve the function of nitric acid which helps smooth circulation and pressure and blood health.
The fiber contained in healthy foods for the heart also works to reduce high cholesterol levels. It also plays a role in slowing down glucose into the bloodstream.
These factors can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Spinach can be used as a healthy food menu for the heart in your daily life.

Prevent diabetes

Besides being consumed as a healthy food for the heart, the magnesium content contained in spinach can help prevent complications from diabetes. Taking it regularly will help stabilize blood sugar.

Maintain eye health

Spinach contains vitamin A which is good for maintaining eye health. Combined vitamin A, beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin play an important role for eye health.
The four contents are able to absorb the intensity of blue light entering the retina. The content works as a sunscreen on the eye organs.

7. Banana

Healthy food for diet - Bananas
As a person who lives in Indonesia, it is certainly familiar with bananas. Its existence is easy to find anywhere. This fruit also does not know the season, so it can be obtained at any time.
Consuming these healthy and nutritious foods on a regular basis can be beneficial for health. Bananas contain important vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium.
At present there are also many who use it as a healthy food for diet. Some important ingredients are very beneficial for our body. Here are some benefits of consuming bananas for the body:

Energy sources

The carbohydrate content of healthy and balanced nutrition can be a source of energy for the body. Consuming two bananas every day can increase the body's immunity that is important in carrying out daily activities.

Lose weight

For those of you who have problems with weight, you can put bananas on the list of healthy food menus for diet. Because this fruit has the property of controlling weight.
Healthy food for this diet, has 108 calories which amounts to 17.5 grams of carbohydrates. Bananas also contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals that contain pectin so that by consuming it will feel full for a long time.

Preventing the risk of heart disease

Bananas can make you a healthy food menu for the heart. This is because bananas contain vitamin C and flavonoids which are antioxidants and can prevent the process of fat oxidation.
Potassium contained in healthy foods for the heart is a tonic that is good for heart health. Pectin fiber can also help reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Streamlining the body's digestive process

Bananas are rich in fiber which is able to help digestion. If you have problems with digestion, regularly eat bananas to overcome them.
The content of pectin and fiber is able to maintain bowel movements to stay organized. So that the digestive system can run normally. Regularly consuming this fruit can also help reduce the risk of gastric cancer.

Maintain bone health

Consuming bananas regularly can help maintain bone health. This is because bananas are one of the fruits that have high manganese content.

8. Fish

Healthy food for the heart - Fish
Fish is a healthy and nutritious food which is a good source of animal protein for health. Healthy food for this diet we can get the benefits if you regularly consume it.
If you want to reduce the risk of heart attack, fish consumption can be an alternative. Enter the fish menu in the list of healthy foods for the heart.
The fat contained in fish is unsaturated fat. This will help make it easier for fish to be digested by the body. Fish nutrition includes:
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin D and B2 (riboflavin)
  • Calcium
  • Phosphor
  • Minerals (iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium and potassium)
Eating fish has also become a culture of Japanese people No wonder, most Japanese people have a healthy body. The benefits of consuming fish regularly are as follows:

Prevent heart disease

Consuming fish that are high in omega 3 can reduce blood fat levels and contribute to preventing heart disease. Add fish to the list of healthy food menus for the heart.

Improve brain function

Omega 3 contained in fish is a good nutrient to improve brain growth and development, both for children and adults. Therefore it is highly recommended to get the child to consume it regularly.
In addition, omega 3 fatty acids are also useful to improve memory. So that it can help you reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease .

Source of Vitamin D

Sea fish is a source of vitamin D. This vitamin D can ward off disease and improve bone health. For example, three ounces of salmon contain 75% of the recommended daily amount for vitamin D that humans need.

9. Broccoli

Healthy food - Broccoli
Besides being used as a healthy food menu for diet, broccoli can also facilitate digestion. In addition, broccoli contains sulforaphane compounds that can help prevent cancer.
This compound is able to play an important role and is stronger than compounds owned by other vegetables. To get the maximum benefit, it is recommended to consume it in raw condition.
If you don't like it, healthy food for this broccoli diet can be steamed, warmed in the microwave, or fried for a while. This can still maintain the benefits of broccoli.
Broccoli is also known to contain vitamin C which is good for the body. Where, this vitamin can help improve the immune system in the body so that it is not susceptible to various diseases.
The potassium content contained in it is also very important to control blood pressure. Taking it regularly is also able to overcome the risk of high blood pressure.
The fiber contained in it is also capable of controlling cholesterol in the body. This is certainly very good for heart health.

10. Tomatoes

Healthy food menu - Tomatoes
Tomatoes are often used as ingredients for cooking to add flavor to these dishes. In addition, tomatoes can also be eaten in raw conditions. Here are the benefits of consuming tomatoes.
You can use tomatoes as a healthy food menu for the heart. Besides that it can also be used as a healthy diet for the diet to reduce consumption of unhealthy foods.

Maintain heart health

The next menu of healthy foods for the heart is tomatoes. Tomatoes contain fiber, potassium, vitamin C and choline which are good compounds to reduce the risk of heart disease .

Reducing the risk of cancer

Besides being good for being a healthy food menu for the heart, tomatoes are also good for reducing the risk of cancer. Routine consumption is good for health.
Tomatoes contain powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C and lycopene which can help prevent cancer-causing free radicals. Regular consumption of tomatoes can reduce the risk of cancer.
Lycopene contained in tomatoes can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. While high beta carotene in tomatoes can prevent the emergence of kolokteral cancer.

Prevent premature aging

The content of collagen and vitamin C in tomatoes is able to prevent free radicals due to bad air pollution and is able to brighten the skin. Tomatoes can be anti-inflammatory because of inflammation of the acne on the face.

Healthy and nutritious food menu is important for health

Living a healthy lifestyle is an obligation that you must do in modern times like today. The number of unhealthy foods and worsening conditions of air pollution make the body vulnerable to disease.
Many factors inside and outside our body can affect health. Apply healthy life by diligently consuming healthy and nutritious food for body fitness.
From now on, choose a healthy food menu for the diet or a healthy food menu for the heart or health related carefully. Actually healthy food ingredients for the body are easily found around us.
Because sick is expensive. If we are sick, we not only sacrifice materially, but also sacrifice time and happiness to gather with the people we care about.
A healthy body produces a healthy soul too. Keep your diet always with healthy and nutritious food. If you want to be free from disease, consistently consume a healthy intake for the body.


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